Katie's Bar and Bartending Services
Look, I am a realist and know that not everyone at your event will drink so there is no reason to pay for drinks for those people. We do check ID’s and DO NOT allow any underage drinking. So we usually make a plan with your headcount…we may need to go buy more alcohol or if we just run out of those items and serve the rest til it’s gone. Those are things we will talk about when booking the event for sure.
We do A LOT of fundraisers so if having drink tickets or cash bars to raise money or give to your guests is an option, we can definitely take care of that for you! See below for those details
If your venue allows, you can always bring your own alcohol in and just have us bartend for you.
When YOU provide your OWN bar and we are ONLY bartending, you will provide your own cups, napkins, accessories, coolers, and ice if needed. We can get those items for you at cost if needed.
When WE provide your bar, we provide all the cups, napkins, accessories, coolers, and ice if needed.
Our certified and licensed bartenders will take care of your guests no matter what kind of drinks you will have. The rule of thumb is that if it is over 150 people and doing beer and wine, you will want to have 2 bartenders. If you are having full mixed drinks with beer and wine, you will need 2 bartenders if over 100 people.
Bartending first 3 hours (3-hour cost minimum) $150
Additional hours $30 per hour
When it comes to bartender tips, we can either put out a jar and collect tips during the event or you can put a $1 per person tip already on the invoice so it is taken care of.
If at your event you decide you need our bartender to stay longer than requested, you will need to pay them directly the $30 dollars per hour and any additional tipping before that is carried out.
Host Bar
This means you will pay for the alcohol and your guests will NOT pay anything and will enjoy FREE drinks.
Host Bar Beer and Wine $15 per person that is drinking
Choose 4 Beer and 4 Wines. See menu below for that.
Host Bar Full Open Bar $21 per person that is drinking
Choose 4 beer, 4 wine, 4 spirits, mixers, garnish
Cash Bar
This means your GUESTS WILL PAY for their drinks themselves. The pricing for menu drinks are:
Beer $4, Wine $5, Cocktails $6 Seltzers $5
We can also have venmo and credit card sales if there is internet access for that on site.
Cash Bar Beer and Wine $400
Choose 4 Beer and 4 Wines.
Cash Bar Full Bar with Spirits $700
Choose 4 Beer, 4 Wines, 4 Spirits, mixers, garnish
Drink Tickets
This means you will give your guests a certain amount of tickets and they will be able to choose what they want to drink. There is no cost to the guest. They will put their ticket into the jar at the bar they wish to have or to the bartender for safe tracking. At the end of the event, the tickets for each item will be counted up and the HOST would then pay for the amount due. This can be mixed with cash bars anytime to provide a little, but not a lot for your event! We would add up how many tickets for each menu item and take it times the cost of the drink to get each total. You would provide the tickets yourself.
Beer tickets $4
Wine tickets $5
Seltzer tickets $5
Cocktail tickets $6
Check out the link above for the list of menu options and other information!